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Questions On RelocatingViews: 238
Jan 09, 2010 5:23 am re: re: re: re: Questions On Relocating

Shivaji Jammalmadugu
Hi Lamar,

Good move for the New Great Year 2010.

Wishing you best of luck for going back home. Indeed I may as well move back to my home at Bangalore, India from current location of Dubai due to lack of career opportunities for over 3 months after nearly 6 years.

We in India believe - Our name is written on the grains we eat and if it is currently available elsewhere then destiny will certainly take us there because only we are destined to eat it.

Here are tips from Mr. Robin Sharma on planning for 2010.

FOR ALL THOSE WHO ARE FINDING 62 Points a bit long, here is an easier one !!


Step #1:
Evaluate 2009. Do a written story recording what went well this past year and, even more importantly, what areas you could improve on. Also list all your wins and as many high points as you can recall. Get a clear picture of how you showed up.

Step #2:
Set Your Theme. Come up with a theme for 2010. It may be "The Year of Financial Freedom" or "The Year of Work Excellence" or "The Year of Fearlessness". But get a theme into a document you can start reviewing every week.

Step #3:
Create a Mission. The next step is to develop a one paragraph mission statement and put it into this document. Clarity precedes mastery so the more clear your ultimate mountaintop for 2010 is, the greater your focus will be. And the most positive results you'll see.

Step #4:
List Your Big 5. OK, now ask yourself this powerful self-coaching question: "What 5 things need to happen between now and December 31, 2010 for this to have been the single most successful year of my life to date?" Write down those five goals as simply and clearly as possible into this document.

Step #5:
Sequence Your Big 5. Now break your Big 5 down into quarterly goals. Set 5 core goals for the first/second/third and fourth quarters of 2010 to ensure you nail your Big 5. Review these every week. Reflect on them everyday if you really want to win. Make these strategic objectives the sole focus of your life.

Step #6:
Refocus Every Morning. Life's job is to distract you. Your job is to stay staggeringly focused on what's most important. Take 15 minutes during your morning resetting period to reflect on your goals, to envision your best moves and to track out a day that's productive, passionate and fun.

Step #7:
Get Devoted to Learning. The #1 skill of super successful people is that they are relentless learners. While others are wasting time on low-value websites or watching mindless reality tv shows, they are listening to audio programs, studying books on leadership and success and basically creating a rich, beautiful and meaningful life. As you journey through each day of 2010, make the time to fuel your brain with ideas on excellence and creating your absolute best. Nothing's more important than that. And please remember that all it takes is a single idea to transform the way you lead and how you live.

Happy New Year



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